Monday, August 2, 2010

A little frogging this way...

I have been working on the "Waves of Leaves Shawl" and it is giving me a run for my money!  It's unfortunate, but my attention span can't keep constant count, and I keep losing my place.  OMG, imagine what I will be like in 50 years...that's an interesting ponder.  Anyways, I decided to frog back a couple of rows in order to fix my mistakes.  It was quite a dramatic event.  Doesn't it look like it could attack at any moment?

On another note, I did get a chance to add the second sleeve to my shirt.  Hopefully I will have time to finish it this week!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Marathon Sewing

After a FULL day of marathon sewing I actually have something to show! didn't know I only had one arm! ;-)

I'm especially proud of my collar and stand.  I own and have read David Page Coffin's book Shirtmaking, and I use his method of applying the collar and stand to the bodice.  However, his methods for easing the under collar and stand to the outer parts don't seem to give me a desired outcome.  On a side note, the lack in desirability is on due to my less than perfect sewing ability, not Coffin's techniques and book which are both amazing.
I learned a new technique where I shorten both bottom ends of the undercollar by 1/8"1/4", but keep the collar points the same length.  I also cut the under portion of the collar stand 1/8"-1/4" shorter on both ends.  When all sewn together it creates a nice smooth surface on the undercollar and stand, and helps the collar fold.
My weakness is still edgestitching the collar stand when the collar is in place.  My stand edges never meet up at the same place on both sides of the collar and my stitching line on the opposite side falls on and off of the stand.  Does anyone know a way to make sure the inside and outside stand edges are meeting at the exact same place? 
Overall, I'm happy with the outcome.  I can't wait to finish and wear it.  It will be my first, truly wearable shirt.  Fingers crossed!